ConnexiO – Circus show
A canine and juggling choreography
« We explore the human-animal relationship, in a sensitive, friendly and kindly way. In our world, we tend to focus on communication and information frenetically relayed by the media. Meanwhile, we observe that direct dialogues are limited, and physical contact is reduced to its simplest form. Non-verbal communication – which animals have – is disappearing.
In that show, my partner is a white female long-haired Swiss shepherd dog. Dogs restore the balance between body and mind. She does not understand our words but knows every intention and unexpressed feelings we – as humans – perceive poorly nay not at all.»
V. Couprie
This diabolo master and his partner revisit with virtuosity the ancient practice of “dog training”. Their relationship reveals a disconcerting humanity. This striking and poignant show is a pure moment of sensitiveness and love. More than a true story, a live story !