Why does Cultureghem need your support?

By donating to Cultureghem you make it possible for us to:

Reclaim the public space in order to create a more human city

Transform our covered market into a free playground for neighbourhood children

Provide healthy meals for everyone who needs them

Use the potential of art and culture to connect people with each other

In order for Cultureghem to continue this work, we depend on donations. Are you convinced as well that Cultureghem should continue to be a space where everybody is welcome to meet and share with others?

How do I make a contribution?

And if you choose to make a monthly donation?

By choosing a monthly donation to Cultureghem you’ll support our operations long term. Sharing, inclusive cooperation and a more human city are key elements of our mission. You contribute to building a fund that allows us to guarantee the continuity of our projects.



Or, you can make a donation manually on the account of the King Baudouin Foundation: BE10 0000 0000 0404 with the structured communication: +++623/3760/00001+++

What is a donation to Cultureghem ?

You can choose to support Cultureghem either with a one-time donation or a monthly donation to the “Fund Friends of Cultureghem” of the King Baudouin Foundation. This fund was founded by two friends and philanthropists to financially support Cultureghem. The donations support the KETMET, OMTA and DREAMKITCHEN projects. Our operational costs and other daily activities are funded through other separate channels.

How to obtain a tax reduction?

For gifts totalling 40 euros or more, the Belgian state offers a tax certificate. That means you can get a tax relief of 45% of the amount you donated.

The King Baudouin Foundation will send you the tax certificate by post in February of the following year.

How exactly do you contribute by supporting us? 


8 healthy meals prepared with love

You allows us to share 8 healthy meals, which are prepared with unsold vegetables from the market and with lots of love, together with people in need through our DREAMKITCHEN


Pancakes party for 50 childrens

You allows us to give 50 childrens the chance to bake and share pancakes while being invited to try new games and play during KETMET on Wednesday afternoons



A cultural hotspot

You allows us to transform our space into a cultural hotspot where young and older people can connect with different forms of art



A student entertainer

You allows us to offer a student contract to a neighbourhood youngster, who will work as an entertainer for young kids and give them the opportunity to build their city together

Whichever option or amount you choose: we thank you very much for your contribution!