We believe in the connecting power of art in public space. That is why in 2021 we launched OMTA: the Open Meeting Space for Temporary Art. Cultureghem is developing its cultural pole to structurally give artists a place on our site.
From June to October we experimented with “LaboOMTA”: we transformed the Abattoirs into an open meeting space, where the casual passer-by could be touched and questioned by various artistic interventions. We set up our own projects as well as collaborated with various cultural partners in the city; gave a stage to Belgian and international artists as well as our own dreamteam; let ourselves be carried away by the magic of the arts both during the day and in the evening.
In this aftermovie you get a glimpse of our cultural summer!
We would like to thank all the partners who made our cultural summer possible!
Special thanks to
Ara vzw (Les Choux de Bruxelles), Artemix, BOZAR, BXL Refugees / Plateforme Citoyenne de Soutien aux Réfugiés, Circularium, Cinéma Galeries, Circus Zonder Handen, Bea Borgers Photography, Chair Mahmoud Darwish, Eastman, GC De Kriekelaar, GC De Rinck, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Lasso / Move it Kanal, La Monnaie / De Munt, Less Walls / The City is Our Playground, Lettres en Voix, LezArts Urbains, Mus-e Belgium, Ne Mosquito Pas, Orfeo Art, Radio Panik, Textilarium Bxl and Théâtre National de Wallonie-Bruxelles.
LaboOMTA was made possible thanks to the support of the Nationale Loterij / Loterie Nationale and the Municipality of Anderlecht / 1070 Culture.
OMTA is now going into hibernation. We will retreat for a while to let the summer sink in, to thoroughly evaluate and to shape our next steps. From February 2022 onwards we will be ready to welcome artistic interventions on our site again.
Questions? anne@cultureghem.be
With the support of