Cultureghem in Corona times

by | Mar 13, 2020

Dear friends,
The corona virus is forcing us to adjust our planning over the next few weeks. Therefore, all public activities
will be cancelled until April 3rd. To ensure the health of everyone who visits us, but also those who don’t
know us yet. And unfortunately at the moment the best way to do this is by seeing as little of each other as
We share the conviction of the open love letter our friends from Globe Aroma sent out. We too want to act
out of love and care, not out of fear. We are cautious together, but most of all we remain united.
And we like to join them, and all the people of Brussels, in looking for ways to break through social isolation
in a creative virtual way. Next week more about how we can meet each other from a distance!
KOOKMET, KETMET and all partner activities will be cancelled or postponed. KETMET KIckoff will also
unfortunately be cancelled, but we will contact all partners to have our big playparty take place at another
Because big brother ABATTOIR keeps organizing the (food) market we decided to keep organizing
COLLECTMET as well. Because we think that access to healthy food remains important for the many
people who rely on it. We do adapt the approach, apply strict hygiene regulations and ask all older
volunteers to stay at home. We are looking for solutions to also serve the people who don’t get here.
In concrete terms, we ask everyone to observe the following guidelines in the coming period:
● Wash your hands with soap every time you come to us, and every other time you think about it.
● Use paper wipes to blow your nose and then throw them away.
● Try not to touch each other. No hugs, no kisses. We’re going to miss the affection but we’re looking
for other ways to express our love.
● Keep at least a foot distance between yourself and other people.
● If you have to cough or sneeze, try to do it in your elbow.
● If you feel sick, especially if you have a fever, please stay in bed.
● If you feel your situation is getting worse, contact a doctor or the hospital, they will tell you what to
do. Let us know if we can help.
● If you don’t have access to health care, please let us know. No one should be alone or isolated.
We’ll try to help you.
For more precise and complete info on what to do we gladly direct you to the official channels:
Take good care of each other, we will keep you informed of all our planned meetings
(up close or from further away).
warm virtual hug
Team Cultureghem

Een plek om elkaar te ontmoeten en met elkaar te delen waar iedereen welkom is.

Tal van acties en evenementen om de straten van Brussel terug op te eisen. 

Weet je niet waar je heen moet? ⬇



Het team

onze acties

Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24,
1070 Anderlecht

Een Vraag?

11 + 14 =

Our actions are split into three categories →

"Reclaiming public space with mutual aid and inclusiveness for a more human city"


Initiatives that bring people closer


Recreate links
through art/culture.


Co-create without limits.


Be part of the change


Build relationships and opportunities


The biggest and most surprising
playground in Brussels.

Create a meeting and sharing
space in your neighborhood.

Transform your
street for a day.


Healthy food that creates bond


The solidarity restaurant.


Take action against
food waste.


Discover new perspectives
through cooking.

There's always something going on here!

At Cultureghem there are events every week. Recurring actions you can always count on and many other cool events.

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Blog and news

Cultureghem Festival 16-17-18 september

From Monday, Sept....

pARTy ‘non stop’

Our annual...

Fun with water and games!

This summer,...

Cultureghem heads into town this summer!

This summer,...

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Nos activités sont réparties en trois catégories →

Toutes les activités présentes sur ta droite on la même vision :
Se réappropriant l’espace publique avec entraide et inclusivité afin de créer une ville plus humaine.


Les initiatives qui rapprochent.


Recréer des liens à travers l’art/culture.


Co-créer sans limites.


Fais Partie du changement.


Créer du lien et des opportunités.

La plus grande et surprenante pleine de jeux de Bruxelles.


Crée un espace de rencontre et partage dans ton quartier.


Transforme ta rue pour une journée.


Nourriture durable qui créer du lien.

Le resto où tu peux passer de cuisinier à serveur à client.


Prends action
contre le gaspillage alimentaire.


Découvre d’autres perspectives à
travers la cuisine