With the DREAMKITCHEN SUMMER TOUR, Cultureghem will be on the road this summer, transforming public spaces into meeting places, together with partners all over the city. Our mobile kitchens will be coming to you by bike this summer and our DREAMTEAM invites you to join them in preparing the most delicious dishes on the spot, enough for everyone who wants them. We will share recipes, vegetables and stories, and think together about the city of the future.
We will participate in the ambitious programme of Open Streets 21 together with FilterCaféFiltré and many other cultural partners. But we also cook in our neighbourhood with the young and slightly older pagadders of Elmer vzw and Entre’ages asbl on the Herzieningslaan. And we work together with Gilbard asbl to transform the Liverpool street from a racetrack into a place for everyone.
If you want to come and see for yourself: discover the full programme here.
With the support of