This summer, with the support of the European Cultural Foundation, we launched an open call to “recuperate art”. The idea was to invite European artists to search their archives so that we could share their artwork with all the people who make the Abattoir such a beautiful place! In this way, Recup’Art wants to make art accessible to everyone – especially to those for whom access to culture is not a given. In times of the Covid19 crisis, the project wants to support the artists economically and distribute their works in order to underline the fact that we are not alone, behind closed doors!
We are very proud and honoured to announce that the artists of RECUP’ART are :
Adina Ionescu-Muscel (BE), Alexandre Dang (BE), Anne-Louise Bosmans (BE), Araki Koman (BE), Audrey Ickx (BE), Brut Carniollus (SI), Cam Stass (BE), Camille Toussaint Illustration (BE), Coulemelle asbl (BE), Gerben Hermanus (NL), Isabelle Reynders (BE), Larissa Viaene & Nousjka Daniëls (BE), Lauren Jaye Squires (NL), Lina Manousogiannaki (BE), Marina-Evelina Cracana (SE), Matteo Rosa (SE), Michael Morgan (UK), Mirjam Siim (PT), Noelle Genevier (UK), Oksana Liazina (DE), Pierre Lavachery (BE), Sobiepanna (PL), Stefanie Schairer (DE), Tito Senna (PT), Virginie Aerts (BE), X.hale (BE) and Zita Christie (NL).
Together, these artists offer us more than 400 works! The distribution of the works will start at the end of November. The works will be shared on the Abattoir market where we will set up a Recup’Art stand, respecting the necessary security measures. Market users and local residents will be able to come and collect an artwork to take home (for free)!
More information: