Autumn 2019 @Cultureghem!

by | Sep 24, 2019


Dear friends of Cultureghem,

While you can enjoy a wonderful late summer weather the following days – according to weather forecasts – we are already preparing for autumn. 

Whether it rains or whether there is a hint of wind KETMET never stops in October on Wednesday afternoons. A new layer of play paint has been applied to the immense floor of the covered market and in collaboration with BOZAR we are turning it into a very creative month for our kids. On 23 October we will close the season with a real Bruegel festival and we will unveil the work we have made together this season.

In December, Studio Brussel and the VRT are again organizing ‘The Warmest Week’ and you too can support COLLECTMET, in order to collect even more unsold fruit and vegetables from the market and share them with everyone in need. (link or explanation to how?). On Monday, thanks to Collectmet, you can always join a cooking workshop to come and have a  taste of the atmosphere around this project!


And of course BARATTOIR is still there on Wednesday afternoon. Until 23 October we will ensure healthy food at the nicest table in Brussels. Remember: we stay outside, so make sure you bring a warm sweater if it gets a little colder. 


Do you want to lend a hand as a volunteer? Join our volunteer team.


KOOKMET will serve once again to a few companies an unforgettable team building this season. If you want to be there too, register here.

In the meantime, you can also find mobile kitchens in De Rand van Brussel. Our house designer Yannick Roels created Kastrol: a truck with various in-built mobile kitchens with which the cultural centers from the Zenne valley and the Pajottenland want to strengthen communities through cooking in the coming months and years. You can find more information about this here.



Finally this:

  • GRNS Red Gate gets a little sister. The meeting place that we created in Strombeek together with citizens and local partners (check FB) is now also being copied in Kuregem with GRNS LEO. We are building a new construction on the border of the Lycée Leonardo Da Vinci and the neighborhood, and together with numerous local partners, we will turn it into a new meeting place. More info about this project can be found here. Do you feel like working with us or do you know people from the neighborhood? Tell them we’re coming!

  • By the way, if you want to hear our vision on how to (re) use, share and claim public space, you can visit us on 22/10 in the Concertgebouw in Bruges for the Pulse meeting day . And also beyond the borders they are looking to see what is happening in Brussels. On 21 and 22/11 we will be present in Leeds (UK) at the Child in the City International Seminar

Warm and pleasant autumn months!

Team Cultureghem


Een plek om elkaar te ontmoeten en met elkaar te delen waar iedereen welkom is.

Tal van acties en evenementen om de straten van Brussel terug op te eisen. 

Weet je niet waar je heen moet? ⬇



Het team

onze acties

Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24,
1070 Anderlecht

Een Vraag?

13 + 2 =

Our actions are split into three categories →

"Reclaiming public space with mutual aid and inclusiveness for a more human city"


Initiatives that bring people closer


Recreate links
through art/culture.


Co-create without limits.


Be part of the change


Build relationships and opportunities


The biggest and most surprising
playground in Brussels.

Create a meeting and sharing
space in your neighborhood.

Transform your
street for a day.


Healthy food that creates bond


The solidarity restaurant.


Take action against
food waste.


Discover new perspectives
through cooking.

There's always something going on here!

At Cultureghem there are events every week. Recurring actions you can always count on and many other cool events.

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a pARTy Holiday in 2024!

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pARTy, our new project around arts education

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Nos activités sont réparties en trois catégories →

Toutes les activités présentes sur ta droite on la même vision :
Se réappropriant l’espace publique avec entraide et inclusivité afin de créer une ville plus humaine.


Les initiatives qui rapprochent.


Recréer des liens à travers l’art/culture.


Co-créer sans limites.


Fais Partie du changement.


Créer du lien et des opportunités.

La plus grande et surprenante pleine de jeux de Bruxelles.


Crée un espace de rencontre et partage dans ton quartier.


Transforme ta rue pour une journée.


Nourriture durable qui créer du lien.

Le resto où tu peux passer de cuisinier à serveur à client.


Prends action
contre le gaspillage alimentaire.


Découvre d’autres perspectives à
travers la cuisine