With OMTA (Open Meeting Space for Temporary Art) Cultureghem supports art as a connecting factor in public space! From mid-June to mid-August you can join us every two weeks on Wednesday evening for a (free!) cultural activity!
Discover the full programme here:
Wed 15/6 – 20:00 -> Performance “Ne Mosquito Pas”
A performance composed of 5 solos by performing artists who each in their own way reuse “unused” or “deleted” scenes. What if failure could also lead to something constructive?
Wed 29/6 – 18:00 -> Circus show “Encore une fois” by the company Les Tripotes
Three circus artists amaze young and old with their juggling and acrobatic skills on a giant seesaw under the covered market. A collaboration with Pierre de Lune, as part of the festival “Cirque au Balcon”
Wed 13/7 – 19:00 -> Dreamteam Culture Night
A composite soirée cultural evening bringing together the various artistic ambitions of our effervescent Dream Team! A parkour or breakdance workshop as an offshoot of KETMET, temporary tattoos thanks to a collaboration with Bitoño and a unique concert by the Brussels rapper Daflow! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more info!
Mon 25/7, Tue 26/7 & Wed 27/6 – 20:15 -> Open air cinema
Just like last year, we join forces with Cinéma Galeries to propose three unique movie nights, whereby the menu of the DREAMKITCHEN is adapted to the content of the movie. A family film on a Wednesday evening! A collaboration with Cinéma Galeries, within the framework of the festival “L’Heure d’été“.
Wed 10/8 – 18:00 -> Circus performance “À 2 mètres” by the ADM company
A duo of circus artists shows how you can be guided by your dreams and not by your fears, despite medical difficulties such as the need for an oxygen tank. A collaboration with Pierre de Lune, as part of the festival “Cirque au Balcon”.
For each activity we provide
- a delicious healthy meal based on unsold fruit and vegetables from the market, in our DREAMKITCHEN
- fun and games thanks to KETMET which stays open until the start of the activity,
- a wonderful summer bar with beers, wine, homemade iced tea and fresh juices!
All activities are free of charge. No need to book – just come along!
Questions? katrien@cultureghem.be